Can You Reschedule a Job Interview?

Yes, you can certainly reschedule a job interview. Whether or not this will create an issue and will sabotage your chances of getting that job is another topic.

The fact is that there are times when you will need to reschedule an interview. And when that time comes, it’s important that you understand the whole picture: what happens if you do reschedule, how to best reschedule an interview via email, and what your recruiter likely things when you do reschedule.

Overall, my main advice is to not reschedule an interview unless it’s absolutely essential. But if you must, let’s learn how to do it correctly.

How To Correctly Reschedule a Jon Interview: The TL,DR Summary

Always, always make sure that you give ample time. You never want to cancel at the last minute. This will mark you as a an unprofessional person and one who will never get the job.

If you cancel at the last minute, don’t be suprised if the recruiter never calls you back.

I reccomend that you give the recruiter or hiring manager at least a few days notice. This is only professional. If you can’t give them more than a few days notice, then simply try and make the interview.

  • Give 3 Days Notice via Email
  • Make Sure you get a Confirmation
  • Adjust The Calander Invite if Possible

TL, DR—Never wait until the last moment to cancel an interview.

What Happens If You Reschedule an Interview?

The first thing you need to determine is how much notice you have given the recruiter or the hiring manager. If you give enough notice (several days) then that tends to be fine. It’s particularly fine in cases where you are involved in an executive search.

However, if you reschedule an interview with little notice, the odds are that you are creating a very bad impression. In the case of a low skilled role, you will likely be removed from consideration. You need to understand that the interview is the first impression that the employer will have of you.

While sometimes you have no choice but to reschedule an interview, there are some important things to understand.

First, if you reschedule an interview, the first thing that happens is that the scheduler immediately takes notice of your cancelation. If you give them little notice, then it will be a huge problem. This can cause internal issues for them. An administrative assistant who is staked with scheduling might get yelled at, for instance. Or, more reasonably, a person who has set aside time to conduct the interview has to reschedule their appointments.

Overall, it’s a bad look to cancel an interview. The best thing that can happen is that you slightly enjoy the interviewer and potential employer, the worst thing that happens is that you can so alienate them that you’ll never get a second interview.

If you must reschedule your interview, make sure that you do so with advance notice, and with the proper etiquette.

What Are Good Reasons to Reschedule an Interview?

While in the eyes of the interviewer it’s never good to reschedule the interview, and thereby inconvenience them, there are some legitimate reasons.

Top amongst all of the good reasons to reschedule an interview are health related ones. If you or a family member have an immediate health issue, then it is understandable that you might need to reschedule the interview.

Aside from a pressing medical emergency, or a family related tragedy, there are very few other reasons that are acceptable.

One common reason that people do encounter is a current job conflict. While it’s not as serious as a health emergency, it’s a totally reasonable reason to need to reschedule.

If you are someone who is seeking to switch jobs, one of the reasons might be that your current workplace is super demanding timewise and does not allow for any personal free time. Obviously, then, it might be an issue to take time off and interview.

In that case, it is best to let it be known to the recruiter that you are in such a tight spot. They can then relay that information to the hiring manager at the company. If the company knows that you’re in a tight spot ahead of time regarding scheduling an interview, then they will be more understanding when the time comes if you have to reschedule.

To give you some insight as to the various excuses recruiters and interviewers will hear, I’m going to list out some of the more outlandish ones, along with common excuses that make every recruiter roll their eyes:

  • Can I reschedule the interview, I’m going on Vacation
  • I have to go to the barber
  • I have an appointment at the salon
  • My friend’s having a party
  • It’s my birthday week
  • I’m working
  • I have “something else going on”

So, you can see, there is no end to the number of ridiculous excuses that people will give to get out of an interview.

Sometimes, when you’re dealing with in-demand professions such as nursing, they won’t even give you an excuse. Nurses will simply say they aren’t going to go and to reschedule the interview (almost a demand). But unless you’re a nurse, you can’t expect to get away with such unprofessional behavior.

It’s important to remember that job interviews are not a waste of time. Employers view them as very important, even if you don’t.

So make sure that you have a reasonable reason to reschedule the interview and then make sure you are polite with how you request the time to be moved.

How many times can you reschedule a job interview?

Can You Reschedule a Job Interview?

Honestly, there is no set number. However, after dealing with this issue for years, I’ll give you my rule:

1 interview reschedule, then no more.

After the first time, I would not reschedule the interview.

Recruiters learn after dealing with problem candidates that many people are not serious about interviewing and taking jobs.

Sometimes people are just fickle and spend their free time wasting recruiters time.

Other people are not mentally well, and they are continuously creating meetings and canceling them.

Other people are just playing head games for their own amusement.

Whatever the case, my suggestion to all recruiters I managed and trained was to give a one time rule to all interviews. If the person reschedules once, that was it, they did not get a second chance.

Business is business, as a recruiter you are not in the case worker line of business where you manage people who can’t keep their life together. You would be doing a disservice to your client to try and coordinate a meeting with someone so irresponsible and unprofessional.

Is it bad to reschedule a job interview?

Yes, it is bad. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen or that you should not reschedule.

The bottom line is that it looks bad to reschedule a job interview. There are no two ways about it.

However, sometimes it is better to reschedule a job interview if there are no other alternatives.

For instance, if you force yourself to make the interview, but are so preoccupied mentally with issues elsewhere, then you might end up bombing the interview.

And what would be the benefit in that?

If you’re so preoccupied and worried about something else, then it would be better to not make the interview.

Also, if you are going to lose your job due to missing a scheduled workplace meeting, then of course you should try and reschedule the job interview. You don’t want to do damage to your main career.

The main reason why it’s considered bad to reschedule a job interview is that it tags you as someone who is irresponsible or at least slightly. The less notice you give, the more of an issue it becomes.

Studies have shown that people who show up late or cancel or reschedule interviews are viewed as unreliable or having a poor grasp on time management. In any event, it’s never a good thing.

The concept of fashionably late is a fallacy when it comes to the professional world. If you’re late, it is a strike against you insofar as people in the corporate world are concerned.

How to reschedule an interview gracefully?

Alright, so know that we know that it’s very important to reschedule an interview with advance notice, let’s discuss how exactly you go about doing that.

You can communicate with them via Text, LinkedIn messaging, email or phone. I always like to use the method of communication that you’re used to using with them as it doesn’t break the pattern.

However, most people suggest making sure the recruiter has received it. If you text them and they don’t respond, you can and should follow up either with another text or with an email.

How To Email Your Recruiter to Reschedule a Job Interview

First, write up a proper email. Make the subject line something with regards to the interview. Never send a blank email subject line as it might go to a spam folder or simply not be seen.

Make sure that you do the following:

Explain why you need to reschedule the interview. You do not have to be explicit, but make the general reason known.

Apologize that you need to reschedule.

Provide your next availability and ask that they try and reschedule the interview

Ask for an email confirmation. This is to confirm that your recruiter has actually received your email. It doesn’t mean that they will be able to reschedule the interview, but it does mean that they have at least read your email and are aware that you cannot make the interview (which means you won’t be tagged a no-show).